Ask any Manager and they will tell you they have the hardest job in the world; sandwiched between senior management pushing down and the workforce pushing up. It’s a tight spot.
Managers need a multitude of skills and knowledge and also have to develop leadership behaviours.
Within our suite of Management interventions we look at the Aspiring Manager, the new manager and help the seasoned Manager to develop new skills, tools and techniques that will help them become confident, successful Managers.
We have listed a few interventions that we have recently delivered, however, every client and every Manager is different so we will listen to you and design an intervention that will fulfil the outcomes that you want to achieve.
Within the umbrella of Management we look at the following:
Coaching is allegedly being practised in many companies, but disguised as a “this is where you are, this is where we want you to be and this is what you are going to do, to get to where you should be.”
That is at the very least coercive coaching, but those are the steps that many people believe coaching consists of.
We believe that coaching is:
“To unlock a persons potential to maximise their own performance”
The barriers that stop people achieving their potential consist of such concepts as limiting self-beliefs, non-aligned personal goals, a negative mindset, and a pessimistic outlook. We will equip people with tools and techniques to help them remove these barriers to achieve the goals that are agreed.
Our Coaching programmes encompasses: